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Venue Policies

Age Recommendations

Because each show’s recommended age varies, you will find age recommendations on most event pages on this site. Dayton Live encourages you to do your research on specific titles and decide what is appropriate for you and your party before tickets are purchased. Regardless of age requirements, all audience members must have a ticket to attend the performance unless otherwise noted. For the consideration of all patrons, children on laps and/or babes in arms are not permitted at most presentations. If an age recommendation is not listed on the event page, please contact our Ticket Office at 937-228-3630 for details. Ticket Office hours are Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m.-4 p.m., and 90 minutes prior to every performance.

Backpacks & Bags

Backpacks, large bags, and weapons are prohibited in the Schuster Center, Victoria Theatre, PNC Arts Annex, Metropolitan Arts Center, and The Loft Theatre. The maximum bag size allowed during a performance or event is 16″ x 16″ x 8″. Bags are subject to search.

Dress Code

You’ll see everything from t-shirts and jeans to suits and dresses – and everything in between! The theatre can be chilly, so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket. Please be careful about wearing perfumes and colognes when attending the theatre. Many have allergic reactions that impair their enjoyment of the performance.

Electronic Devices

We ask that you silence all electronic devices before the performance begins. The use of recording equipment, cell phones (including phone calls and texting), and cameras is strictly forbidden unless otherwise communicated from the stage. If wearing a smartwatch, please set the device to theatre mode. If you are attending a production that offers a digital program, please wait for a pause in the performance to view the program and make sure to lower the brightness of your screen.

Late Arrival

Each production determines its own late seating policy as to not disrupt other audience members. Staff and volunteers will get you to your seats as quickly as possible. Monitors are available in the lobby for you to watch the performance until the designated time.

Photos & Videos

Due to a variety of reasons – including show contracts, copyright laws, and performer safety – no photographs may be taken inside the theatres during a performance. Some shows (generally concerts) do allow photographs to be taken, and this will be announced in advance. You may take photos in the lobbies or the Wintergarden anytime you are attending the performance. Please don’t hesitate to tag us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! If you have questions about a specific performance, call the Ticket Office at 937-228-3630, or email Ticket Office hours are Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m.-4 p.m., and 90 minutes prior to every performance.

If you would like to take photos in the lobbies or Wintergarden and you are not attending a performance, please contact our administrative office at 937-637-8100 or

Prohibited Items

  • Weapons of any kind including firearms, knives, tasers, etc.;
  • Illegal drugs or paraphernalia;
  • Backpacks or any large bag measuring over 16”x16”x8”;
  • Fireworks or incendiary devices of any kind;
  • Harmful chemicals such as mace, pepper spray, etc.;
  • Outside food and beverages (empty, non-glass liquid containers are permitted);
  • Posters or large signs;
  • Professional cameras;
  • Selfie sticks;
  • Animals that do not provide a service or task as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Smoking is prohibited in the Victoria Theatre, Schuster Center, PNC Arts Annex, Metropolitan Arts Center, The Loft Theatre, and The Arts Garage. This includes any type of electronic cigarette. You must be at least 20 feet from an entrance to smoke.

Ticket Exchanges & Refunds

Before purchasing tickets, carefully review your event date, time, and seating selection. All ticket sales are final and non-refundable. If a performance has multiple performances, exchanges within that show title may be possible by contacting the ticket office at 937-228-3630 BEFORE your ticketed show begins. Ticket Office hours are Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m.-4 p.m., and 90 minutes prior to every performance.

Weather Cancellations

Weather in Ohio can be unpredictable but as long as the cast and crew are here, “the show must go on!” In the unlikely event a show is canceled due to weather conditions or other emergency, we will post information to our website, social media accounts, and attempt to contact all ticket holders by email and/or automated call. If your ticketed performance goes on as scheduled but you choose not to attend, all standard exchange policies apply. Please contact the Ticket Office BEFORE your ticketed show begins if you have questions about those policies or would like to see what your options are. Ticket Office hours are Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m.-4 p.m., and 90 minutes prior to every performance.

If you are attending a Discovery Series performance and your school is closed or delayed due to inclement weather on the day of a scheduled performance, please notify us before show time that you will not be attending. You will have the opportunity to attend another performance (pending availability) or to receive a full refund. A decision must be made within 30 days of affected performance to be honored. In the event of a closing or other emergency the day of your scheduled performance, please call 937-228-3630 and leave a message. The manager on duty will respond to your message as soon as possible.

Theatre Audience Etiquette

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