Plan Your Visit
Right here is where you’ll find information about coming to an event at the Schuster Center, Victoria Theatre, The Loft Theatre, or PNC Arts Annex.
![Starbucks Icon](
![Accessibility Icon](
The Schuster Center, Victoria Theatre, The Loft Theatre, and PNC Arts Annex offer accessible seating and entrances. Assistive listening devices, audio description, sign interpretation, and sensory inclusive performance are also available for performances.
![Before & After Icon](
What time the theatre opens, things to do before and after the show, and more!
![Bring A Group Icon](
Whether it’s a group of friends, family, coworkers, employees, clients, students, scouts or seniors, seeing a show is better in a group!
![Directions & Parking Icon](
Find out how to get to your show, where to drop passengers off, and where to park.
![Food & Drinks](
![Health & Safety Icon](
Learn about the health and safety measures we take at Dayton Live venues.
![Policies Icon](
Age, dress, bag, photo, smoking, weapons, weather, and late-arrival policies.
![Tickets & Gift Certificates Icon](
How to reprint or pick up your tickets, plus learn more about gift certificates and how to sign up for presales and special offers!