School bus parked in front of Victoria Theatre

Scholarship Opportunities

Dayton Live’s goal is to ensure all young people experience live theatre. Thanks to our generous sponsors and donors, we are pleased to offer scholarships to help you and your students visit our theatre.

Scholarships are awarded to schools in the form of discounted ticket prices in the amounts of $4, $3, or $2 based on each school’s free and reduced lunch percentages. Keep in mind, scholarship ticket prices cover student tickets and not chaperone tickets.

Scholarships are awarded until all scholarship funds are depleted. The earlier you apply, the more likely you will be awarded a scholarship.

Scholarships are not guaranteed.

Ticket Scholarships

  1. Complete the scholarship information on the discovery online order form, supplying all required information. Incomplete scholarship applications will not be processed.
  2. Dayton Live must receive your scholarship application by Thursday, December 19, 2024, for the entire school year of ordered shows.
  3. You will receive notification of the amount of scholarship awarded one week after we receive your application. Call 937-637-8267 if you do not hear about your scholarship request.
  4. Your order will AUTOMATICALLY BE PLACED, applying the awarded scholarship, unless you cancel the order.
  5. You will receive arrival instructions one week prior to the performance.
  6. All balances and number of attendees are due FIVE weeks prior to your scheduled performance.

Transportation Scholarships

Through the generous support of the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority, Dayton Live is proud to offer the Fueling Education Scholarship. The Fueling Education Scholarship helps to get you and your students to the theatre for our engaging programs. Limited scholarships are available for each Discovery Series season.

Teachers can only be awarded one Fueling Education voucher per season.

For schools located within a quarter-mile of an RTA route:
You must submit an application, which can be filled out below. RTA will notify you if they are available to pick up your students, take them to the show, and return them following the performance free of charge.

Schools must be in Montgomery County and they must be able to get to a bus stop to be picked up. Groups must have 25 or more riders. Groups of less than 25 will not be considered.

This service is offered on a limited basis and is dependent upon the daily availability of buses and operators. Teachers may request one Fueling Education voucher per season. All requests require RTA and your school district’s approval, so plan early!

When you click “submit,” a copy will automatically be sent to Dayton Live and the RTA. You will receive a confirmation from the RTA no later than two weeks before your scheduled performance.

If your school is located outside of the RTA route:
There may be additional scholarship resources available to provide transportation to and from your performance. Please email discovery@daytonlive.org for more information.

Fueling Education Application

Remember! You must complete your Discovery Series registration before you request fueling education assistance.

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School bus parked in front of Victoria Theatre

Support Performing Arts Education

Join a growing community of arts enthusiasts who support Dayton Live’s incredible arts education programs. As an arts donor you will enjoy benefits like: being invited to private events, gaining exclusive access to tickets prior to general release and having a profound impact on the future of the arts in our community!