President & CEO
Gabriel van Aalst
With almost two decades of management experience in performing arts venues, including eight years as the President & CEO of the New Jersey Symphony, Gabriel van Aalst has a wealth of knowledge and expertise. After beginning his career with a leading Australian theatre production company, he served as Chief Executive of Academy of St. Martin in the Fields where he guided the London-based orchestra through a transition period while driving record income generation. While with the New Jersey Symphony, Gabriel completed a $50 million comprehensive fundraising campaign with $61 million; spearheaded the Symphony’s 100th anniversary celebrations; commissioned a series of concert films which won three Emmy Awards; and elevated the profile of the Symphony in a highly competitive NYC metro area arts and entertainment market.
Originally from Australia, Gabriel holds a Master of Arts in Cultural and Creative Industries from King’s College in London, a Bachelor of Arts in Performance Studies from University of Sydney, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Law from University of Technology, Sydney.
Senior Leadership
KARA HARTER Chief Of Staff
LISA JAPS Chief Operating Officer
GARY MINYARD Chief Creative Officer
DAVID SCHRODI Chief Financial Officer
Senior Staff
DARRELL ABNER Vice President – Facilities
JEREMIAH ASTIN Vice President – Ticketing
MAGGIE PARKS Director – Human Resources
SARAH ROBERTSON Vice President – Operations
SUE STEVENS Vice President – Marketing & Communications
Board of Trustees
Dayton Live Board members receive no compensation for their terms.
- CHAIR: ERIN R. DAVIS Partner – Taft Law
- VICE CHAIR: DAVID MCGILLIVARY Tax Director – Air Transport Services Group
- PAST CHAIR: DAVE S. DICKERSON President, Business Development – Miller Valentine Construction
- TREASURER: RICK STOVER Retired Partner – PricewaterhouseCoopers
- SECRETARY: JON HALE Executive Director Wealth Management – The Hale Group at Morgan Stanley
- MARK BAILEY JR. Architect – WPAFB US Air Force
- SALLY BERRY MBA Director & Lecturer – University of Dayton
- DWIGHT DEWBERRY Vice President & Marketing Manager – PNC Organizational Financial Wellness
- KAMNA GUPTA Vice President, Support Services – Winsupply Inc.
- KURT KNAPKE VP/GM, Cold Chain – Copeland
- ALBERT LELAND Community Volunteer
- SCOTT MURPHY Hypersonics Chief Engineer – Leidos
- MARLA SCHUSTER NISSAN Attorney/Legal Recruiter – Alan Roberts & Associates
- RICK PETERS Chief Strategy Officer – Tenet3
- JEFF PIZZA Retired Automotive Executive
- DIANE PLEIMAN President & CEO – Premier Physician Network
- RODNEY VEAL Producer, Community Arts Liaison – ThinkTV/CET Connect
Emeritus Society
The Emeritus Society was formed in 2007 to honor the tremendous contributions made by former Trustees of Dayton Live (formerly Victoria Theatre Association) and Art Center Foundation Boards.
The Emeritus Society provides opportunities for former Trustees to reconnect with Dayton Live, meet current staff and Trustees and offers unique experiences to bring old and new friends together.
Michael Allik
Brian J. Anderson
James G. Anderson
Kent D. Anderson
Larry Anderson
William S. Anderson
Fred Bartenstein
Suzy Bassani
Bruce P. Bedford
Steve Beinlich
Edward Bentley
John Berry
Richard Berry
Thomas E. Bettcher
Carol A. Blain
John T. Blake
William D. Bloebaum
P. Irving Bloom
Vincent Bolling
Marsha Bonhart
Harry Brecha
Robert E. Buerger
John D. Bullock
Annye Camara
Terry D. Carder
Robert F. Chelle
Richard E Clemens
George Cooper
Lynn Cornell
Charles Curran
John Danis
Ginny de la Chappelle
Chauncey Dean
Robert L. DeMarse
John C. Duritsch
Karen T. Dunlevey
Robert I. Duplain
Daniel W. Duval
Kathy Emery
Daniel J. Enneking
Anice Ervin
Dr. Mike Ervin
Eric C. Evans
Margo Evans
Charles E. Exley
John W. Ey
Gerald S. Fahringer
John G. Fitzpatrick
Timothy J. Foley
John R. Folkerth
Peter H. Forster
Kelly Franz
Neil Freund
Terry Friesenborg
Manuel Garcia
Norma J. Gaston
Russell Gesme
Larry Glickler
Jack Goldfrank
Gary and Sharon Gottschlich
Don R. Graber
Maribeth Graham
Sally J. Grant
Anne S. Greene
Jonas J. Gruenberg
Sandy Gunlock
Penny Haddick
Alvin E. Hall
William S. Hann
Dorothy Harbach
Jeanette Harris
Laura Harrelson
Richard H Harvey
Jon G Hazelton
John W. Herbert
Wylie B. Hogeman
Cheryl S. Holdraker
Katherine B. Hollingsworth
Charles F. Horn
Mark V. Hurd
Macy P. Janney
Dwight T. Johnson
Jim Johnson
Donald Kasle
Ronald Katsuyama
Kelly H. Kavanaugh
Robert J. Kegerreis, Ph.D.
John Kerwood
Susan Kettering
Virginia W. Kettering
Dudley Kircher
Leo E. Knight
Howard Krisher
Cate P. Laden
Howard L. Lance
David Lehman
Valerie Lemmie
Gail Levin
Irv Lieberman
William T. Lincoln
Julie Liss-Katz
Jeff E. Lobaugh
Geoffrey R. Lorenz
Lester L. Lyles
Paula Macllwaine
Rosalie O. Mainous
Mary Kaye Manchur
Eric Marcus
David S. Marshall
Michael Martin
Lou Mason
Alice McCollum
Judy McCormick
Mike McCurdy
John M. McCurrach
Pat McDonald
Jerrie McGill
James McSwiney
Ronald McSwiney
Dale L. Medford
Barbara Miller
James M. Miller
Stephen M. Miller
Vail K. Miller
Donna Moon
Beth Mooney
Gary Morin
JoAnn Murray
Deborah K. Myers
Robert C. Nevin
Shirley Nixon
Robert J. Novello
Casey Ott
Sharon Patterson
James O. Payne
Richard Perales
Frank Perez
David Peterson
Jesse Philips
Rita Price
Gordon S. Price
Bernard Rabinowitz
Pete Redding
Eve Rieger
Burnell R. Roberts
Michael Robinson
Gerry Anne Rocco
Richard M. Roediger
Gayle Rominger
Charles P. Russ
R. Daniel Sadlier
Frederick W. Schantz
William P. Smith
William Schneider
Benjamin Schuster, MD
Marian Schuster
Josephine Schwarz
Richard Schwartz
Nachum Shamir
Earl Shanks
James Shells
Arthur Shone
Gina Showell
Joan Siebenthaler
Ira Siegel
Marlene Skilton
Ira Slakter
Rajesh K. Soin
Earl Sterzer
Raymond Stickel
Phil Stolz
Ginny Strausburg
Gretchen L. Strohmeier
Thomas Suttmiller
Patricia K. Swanke
Stephen A. Swanson
Leonard I. Sweet
Joanne Teegarden
Sally F. Ten Eyck
Burdette Thompson
Cheri Thompson
J. Bradford Tillson
Tom Towler
Syl Townsend
Willie F. Walker
Daryl Ward
Lloyd G. Waterhouse
Fred Weber
William S. Weprin
Michael West
Judith Westerbeck
Thomas C. Wetzel
Richard Whistler
Betsy Whitney
William S. Wolff
Jean Woodhull
Judy Wyatt
David L. Wyse
Frederick N. Young